The story is set in the Great Plains as a young Lakota brave sets out to find his spirit animal..

White Cloud sat quietly, as the campfire blazed brightly, and the wind sang its lonely song through thick groves of juniper and meadows of sage. He listened intently to the hushed voice of his father, Standing Bear, and other elders describe what was expected of boys of the tribe once they pass their thirteenth summer of life. All young braves of the Great Plains’ Lakota Tribe must set out on a journey into the wilderness to find their true life spirit animal. This spirit animal will give direction to their lives as they leave boyhood and take their place among the men of the tribe.

White Cloud was small for his age, but his heart was large, and he would never turn away from a challenge. The other boys of the tribe paid little attention to White Cloud, but this did not bother him. He knew that his time was coming, and soon he would set out into the wilderness in search of his own spirit animal.


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Black Wolf

Black Wolf

Eagle and Feather

Eagle and Feather



Old White Cloud

Old White Cloud





Song Bird
White Cloud on a Buffalo

White Cloud on a Buffalo



White Stallion

White Stallion

White Cloud Boy

White Cloud Boy