New York City’s iconic subway system becomes the backdrop for this heart-warming Christmas story.

Longtime dishwasher, Jimmy Flynn, stepped out of The Empire Diner into the New York City’s frigid night air at 1:30 AM on Christmas morning. There, under the soft glow of the streetlight, stood a very small woman. The woman was clothed in a tattered old woolen coat. Her face appeared ancient, with a deeply weathered look to it that comes from leaving something outside in the wind and rain. The face, although very old and withered, seemed to be kind. Jimmy felt sorry for the old woman, and without a second thought held out his Styrofoam cup of coffee.

After accepting the warm drink, the old woman smiled, placed something in Jimmy’s hand, and quickly disappeared into the shadows. Jimmy glanced down at his open hand which now held what looked like a small coin. A closer look revealed what appeared to be an ordinary subway token. However, this particular token was somehow different. It felt warm as it lay in his cold hand and seemed to give off a soft golden glow.

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